2 min read
Datagrip Comment Color

I use Datagrip as my local client for interacting with Amazon Athena. I’ll have a future post about getting the Athena client approrpriately configured, but this post is focused on something a little more cosmetic in nature.

As most of us do, I found and installed my theme of choice One Dark Vivid Italic and was generally very satisfied with the look and feel. There was only one thing that was really bugging me - the color of comment text was nearly unreadable. I stumbled around and found how you can change the comment color (amongst other things) in configuration, so I thought I’d share it here.


How you do it

In your Datagrip settings, go to Editor > Color Scheme > Language Defaults > Comments.

I was specifically interested in making the line comments more readable, so I updated the foreground color hex from #5C6370 to #FFFFFF.


Not so great


Much better

SQL Specific

Worth noting that you can get even more granular with these sort of configurations by going to Editor > Color Scheme > SQL where you can chose to override the inherited values that we configured in the Language Defaults orignally. sql

End Result
